About Us
Warren Brown is a Director at Millhouses Design Limited. Warren is a knowledgeable Architectural professional with many years experience and has a HNC in Architectural Technology and an Honors Degree in Building Management. Warren has previously worked as an Associate for eleven years with a major South Yorkshire Architectural practice. This involved managing a vibrant team and liaising with clients and contractors from large companies on commercial projects across the country. Warren has extensive experience as an architectural designer working on projects which range from individual domestic extensions to major developments such as the new retail units for ASDA and B&Q, and the Jessop Wing Maternity Hospital in Sheffield. He also has worked overseas in Hong Kong and Singapore.
Company Insurances
As a professional Architectural Practice it is our duty to carry the relevant insurances. For details of our Professional Indemnity and also our Public Liability Insurance policies, please contact us.
Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions laid out in our rules of engagement are intended to protect the interests of all parties engaged in any project with which we are involved. Please contact us for our most current details.
T&C Document (PDF)